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Library Computing

Library Information Navigator

IME Systems, Inc

IME's Library Information Navigator is a library/document managementsystem that is used by corporate, law, medical, technical, and governmentagency libraries. Based on an entity relational DBMS model, itfacilitates the search for information contained in books, periodicals,and articles, allowing navigation through a database.The system also manages all lending activity; maintains profiles of allpatrons, including routing lists; contains a module to track allperiodicals; provides a mechanism to acquire all library material;converts disparate files to import or export data; features a state-of-the-art report generator; and links the system to online databases and/orPC workstations.

Language: C, Assembler
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

IME Systems, Inc
50 Congress St Ste 825
Boston, MA 02109
Phone: (671) 722-0808
Fax: (617) 722-9893